paplot command

1. Basic usage

paplot subcommand [--config_file CONFIG_FILE] [--title TITLE]
                  [--ellipsis ELLIPSIS] [--overview OVERVIEW]
                  [--remarks REMARKS]
                  input output_dir project_name

Required arguments


The type of report to generate. Select from the following:

  • qc
  • ca
  • mutation
  • signature
  • pmsignature

Input files. If you wish to process multiple files (usually divided by individual samples), please refer to Processing multiple input files.

# for single input file
paplot mutation {unzip_path}/example/mutation_minimal/data.csv ./tmp mutation_minimal \
--config_file {unzip_path}/example/mutation_minimal/paplot.cfg

# for multiple input files, delimit them by comma
paplot mutation \
{unzip_path}/example/mutation_split_file/,{unzip_path}/example/mutation_split_file/ \
./tmp mutation_split_file1 --config_file {unzip_path}/example/mutation_split_file/paplot.cfg

# paplot also accept wild card representation. In this case enclose the input by double quotations
paplot mutation "{unzip_path}/example/mutation_split_file/*.csv" ./tmp mutation_split_file2 \
--config_file {unzip_path}/example/mutation_split_file/paplot.cfg
output_dir:Output directory path. Refer Output directory for the details of the directory components.
project_name:Project name (used as the title of the output files).

2. Output directory

You will find the following directory structure:

      graph_*.html      <--- Each report
     js          <--- The next four directories are necessary to display HTML files, Do not remove them.
     index.html             <--- Open this file in a web browser.

If you wish to move the output, move the entire output directory. For the usage of each report, please refer to HOW TO USE GRAPHS.

3. Options

You can add the following optional arguments:

--config_file Path to the configuration file. If it is not specified, the default file is used.
--title Title of the graph.
--ellipsis Abbreviated name of the graph used for file names (e.g., graph_**ca**.html). It may be convenient when outputting multiple files to the same directory.
--overview Outline of the graph (displayed in the index.html file).
--remarks Text displayed in the remark section of the index.html file (the default value is set at ( [style] section’s remarks option) in the configuration file.

The default values are as follows:

subcommand title ellipsis overview remarks
qc QC graphs qc Quality Control of bam. None
ca CA graphs ca Chromosomal Aberration. None
mutation Mutation Matrix mutation Gene-sample mutational profiles. None
signature Signature signature Mutational Signatures. None
pmsignature PMSignature pmsignature Express mutational signatures in pmsignature. None